What To Do If You're Under Ban...

If you have been banned by Devizes Pubwatch then you are banned from all member premises throughout that area; that is what “Banned from One - Banned from All” means.

Can I appeal against my ban?

You may appeal at any time throughout your ban, although your local Pubwatch reserves the right to reject that appeal. If you wish to appeal, the only ways you can do this is either via the email below or by writing in person to the Pubwatch Liaison Officer at your local Police Station. They will then pass your appeal on to your local Pubwatch chair person, who will then discuss it with the local Pubwatch members. You will then be notified of the result of your appeal.

DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES APPROACH any pub or landlord with your issue as they will not be able to help you.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - You will need to provide FULL contact details with your reason for appeal, including your name, address and a contact telephone number.

Can I have legal representation?

Yes, but this is at your own expense. However, please remember that Pubwatch is made up of people trying to do their best to protect their staff and customers by keeping unwanted behaviours out of pub premises.

What are possible outcomes of an appeal?

If the local Pubwatch committee considers the appeal to be frivolous, for example, if you are seen on CCTV committing anti-social behaviour such as damage or violence or you are merely stating that you believe Pubwatch to be an unfair system then we reserve the right not to hear your appeal.

A successful appeal could result in variation of the length of the ban if genuine mitigating circumstances are demonstrated by you. It is worth noting that Pubwatches sometimes welcome the chance to speak in person to the person who is appealing, however, you will have to email first to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What happens if I breach my ban?

Your ban may be extended by 6 months or more for each breach so you need to ask yourself, 'Is it worth the risk of being spotted?' Please note: anyone who tries to buy drinks FOR a banned person also leaves themselves open to also having a ban of their own, particularly if they know about the ban.

How are the Police involved?

Police play no part in deciding whether someone should be banned, or on the outcome of an appeal. They are there to support Pubwatches when the need arises.

The Right to Exclude

There is an implied permission by public houses to members of the public to enter their premises. The public house is entitled to revoke that implied permission and that is what the ban actually does. It is not a Human Rights issue - we are not a public body and it does not concern the exercise of a public function.

How can I help myself?

Make contact with the Pubwatch at an early stage by writing to the following email address, please include full details - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You will then be advised via email to put forward your case which will be discussed at the next Pubwatch meeting, usually held quarterly.